Proper pre and post care is essential to achieving optimal results. If there are any outstanding questions after reading the information provided below, please do not hesitate to call us. We want to ensure all of your questions are thoroughly answered.

Avoid sun exposure and being tan, both before, during the peeling process, and after the peel.
If you get cold sores regularly, have a skin infection, or have any other skin sensitivities in past medical history, let us know.
If you have an allergy to aspirin or phenol, are pregnant or breastfeeding, you CANNOT get this procedure done.
Plan to NOT exercise vigorously for the next 3-4 days after treatment. Avoid excessive perspiration, as sweating as it may induce water blisters and excessive internal warming. This can induce post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. (no hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms)
Do not wax 10 days before and 10 days after peel on the treatment site
Pre-treatment instructions
You will be provided with a post peel kit and specific application instructions.
You are encouraged to download the VI Peel app, as it will provide you with reminders of what to do and when, and will supplement the written instructions provided with your post peel kit.
Skin may be tight and more red than usual.
The peel is self-neutralizing; do not wash off or apply any other products for at least 4 hours.
Avoid use of topical products containing AHAs, Retinols, Vitamin A, tretinoin, or any type of exfoliant until the peeling process is complete.
Strictly avoid direct sun exposure for at least one week. Apply VI Peel SPF 50+
Avoid hot water, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, strenuous exercise, or excessive perspiration beginning the day of the peel and throughout the entire peel.
24 hours after the peel, and until peeling is complete:
Skin may be tight until it starts to peel.
Peeling will generally begin 48 – 72 hours after the peel has been administered, and last for 2 – 5 days after the skin has started peeling.
DO NOT PICK OR PULL THE SKIN. Allow the skin to peel at its own pace. (Premature peeling of the skin may develop into post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation)
Some patients may experience extreme dryness after treatment. Continue use of post care products provided and/or recommended by your provider.
Patients should wait until the peeling process has completed before having any other facial procedures, including: facials, microdermabrasion, laser treatments, hair removal, and cosmetic injections.
Variations in amount of peeling:
The degree of peeling may vary depending on the individual’s skin type and skin condition at the time of the peel. The success of the peel should not be determined by the amount of peeling, but by the end results that the peel will produce. Reasons why some patients experience decreased visible peeling:
Receiving any peel, or this specific peel, for the first time.
Severe sun damage (increased visible peeling should develop with subsequent peels).
Having peels regularly with a short interval between peels.
Frequent users of Retin-A®, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), tretinoin or other peeling agents prior to the peel treatment.
Regardless of the degree of peeling, the skin is still sloughing off at an accelerated rate, which will result in the improvement of skin.