Proper pre and post care is essential to achieving optimal results. If there are any outstanding questions after reading the information provided below, please do not hesitate to call us. We want to ensure all of your questions are thoroughly answered.

No natural sun exposure, use of tanning beds, use of tanning lotions and/or spray tan application for 4 weeks prior to treatment.
Some medications or supplements may increase your risk of bruising. Consult with your aesthetician. Arnica Montana is recommended to decrease the likelihood of bruising. Arnica is available for purchase at Facial Aesthetics.
If you have a history of herpes or cold sores, we highly recommend a course of anti-viral medication pre and post treatment. This will prevent an outbreak of cold sores if you are prone to them. Cold sores can also break out on people who are not prone to them, but who have sensitive skin. If you would like us to call in a prescription for you, please call our offices.
Your provider will recommend appropriate products to help enhance results and minimize potential side effects.
Pre-treatment instructions
Bruising, redness and/or swelling are common and will resolve in ~7-10 days.
Mineral make-up may be applied immediately following treatment.
Treated pigment will turn darker (brown to black) within 24-48 hours.
Do not pick at treated areas, as this will most likely cause scarring.
Dry areas should be kept hydrated with a moisturizer recommended to you by your aesthetician.
Treated pigment will slough off the face in approximately 1 week and off the body in approximately 2-3 weeks. Do not pick at the pigment! This may cause bleeding, scabbing and possible scarring.
Avoid sun exposure and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen recommended by your clinician.
Avoid heat, saunas, hot tubs and sweaty activity until skin is completely healed; this includes exercise of any kind.
Avoid products containing any exfoliating agents (retinoic acid, tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, astringents, etc.) for 7 days after treatment.
Do not use an electric or manual facial brush of any kind (i.e. Clarisonic or something of the like) for 7 days after your treatment.
You may resume your regular skin care routine after seeing your aesthetician for a follow up, typically 7 days after your treatment.