Reveal your clearest skin and regain confidence with your specialized acne treatments.
Breakouts, inflammation, and the persistent search for effective solutions can be disheartening. It’s time to take control of your skin and find the solution that is right for you. Our Certified Acne Specialists will help you get to the root cause of your acne and create a personalized treatment plan to achieve and maintain the skin of your dreams.

Initial Consultation & First Acne Treatment
Your journey to acne-free skin begins with your initial consultation. During this session, our Acne Specialists will assess your skin needs and goals to determine the best treatment plan and home care routine for you. Your personalized plan may include combination treatments such as a mild peel, extractions, and/or laser therapy.
At this time, you will also receive your first treatment—a deep cleanse, professional peel or enzyme treatment, and extractions.
Follow-Up Treatments
Regular follow-up treatments are an essential part of maintaining clear, healthy skin. Our first goal is to heal and clear your skin while also preventing future breakouts. Part of your journey to clear skin will include treatments such as IPL photo therapy, Laser Genesis, and chemical peels.
Our Acne Specialists will work with you to determine the type of treatments and frequency of appointments that will be most beneficial for your individual needs.
Acne Home Care
A crucial part of your acne treatment plan requires proper home care products. The initial purchase of products can range between $90-$150 & should last 60+ days.
Treatment highlights
Treatment time: 90-120 minutes
Recovery time: Varies
Results in: Varies
Recommended treatments: Ongoing
$248 for initial acne consultation & treatment
$154 for follow up acne treatment
Frequently asked questions
While many notice an improvement after their first session, individual experiences can vary. Consistent treatments and adherence to the recommended home care routine play a vital role in achieving desired results.
The frequency depends on your individual skin needs and the recommended treatment plan. Regular sessions, especially in the initial phases, can be instrumental in achieving and maintaining clear skin.
Home care is crucial. It not only supports the treatments, but also ensures your skin remains on the path to clarity.
Yes! We offer a variety of services to help with scarring and hyperpigmentation, such as fractional laser, laser resurfacing, IPL, LED Therapy, and chemical peels. You can add these services to your acne treatment for an additional fee. If you have any specific questions about add-on treatments, please let your Acne Specialist know.
Before & After Swoon’s Acne Clinic