Proper pre and post care is essential to achieving optimal results. If there are any outstanding questions after reading the information provided below, please do not hesitate to call us. We want to ensure all of your questions are thoroughly answered.

Pre-treatment instructions:
• Do not drink alcohol or excessive caffeine 24 hrs before and 24 hrs after your treatment. Both alcohol and caffeine are blood thinners and can result in poor pigment retention.
• Do not book any major events (wedding, vacation, social event) during the 2 weeks after the procedure, a little peeling or flaking will occur.
• You should not wear any makeup, creams or sunscreen on the procedure area until fully healed and no sign of scab.
• Avoid facials, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks prior to appointment and 2 weeks following procedure.
• Absolutely no anti-aging or anti-acne products on or around the procedure area for two weeks prior to your appointment as they contain active ingredients that should be avoided pre + post procedure.
• The procedure area must be free of all irritations including ingrown hairs, rashes, blemishes, eczema, psoriasis etc.
• Avoid sweating, sun, gardening, any recreational swimming, pools, hot tubs, tanning booths and all creams around the brow area for two weeks after procedure. Please plan accordingly.
• Although there is no medical evidence that tattooing would have an effect on an unborn child, we don't know for sure. There is a miniscule risk of infection but the increase in natal hormones significantly affects pigment retention, so we prefer to have you come in after the baby is born and you are no longer nursing.
• Avoid supplements with blood thinning effects. Supplements that have blood thinning effects include dong quai, fish oil, garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, green tea, red clover and vitamin E, and should be discontinued 7 days prior to getting a cosmetic tattoo. These supplements may increase bleeding especially if you’re taking blood thinning medications such as warfarin or non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs resulting in poor pigment retention.
• Avoid any blood thinning medications. A number of medications make your blood less likely to clot (“thinner”) like aspirin, Midol, Excedrin, and NSAIDs ( Advil, Motrin, Naproxen, Aleve). These medications should be discontinued 7 days prior and 1 day following your appointment. If you need to take something for pain opt for Tylenol (acetaminophen). Coumadin and Plavix also have blood thinning effects but it is not recommended to discontinue them due to their medical necessity. You should be aware of an increased risk of bruising if you’re taking them.
• Do not come to your appointment wearing contact lenses. If you need glasses to drive home bring them to the appointment.
• Lash extensions cannot be worn during eyeliner procedures. Make sure your lash set is completely removed prior to your appointment. You will have a follow up appointment 4-6 weeks after the initial appointment so it is best to plan to go without lash extensions for two months total.
• If you use Latisse or other lash-growth serums, discontinue them four weeks prior to your appointment.
• Due to the delicate nature of lips it is advised to avoid all alcohol consumption for 48 hours prior to your appointment to reduce swelling. You can also prepare for the appointment by taking Arnica tablets starting 24 hours before your appointment time.
• If you are prone to oral cold sores it is advised to start oral anti-virals three days before the appointment and continue them for three days after to prevent an outbreak.
• If you plan on getting fillers it MUST be done at least 2 weeks before because of swelling and bruising or at least 4 weeks after lip fillers for lip blush
• At least 4 weeks to discontinue use of retinol
• At least one year for accutane
• HYDRATE! drink lots of water as this will help reduce dryness on your lips
• Fun Fact: First sign of dehydration will be seen on the lips
• If you are prone to cold sores it is highly recommended to take an antiviral medication such as Zovirax 5 days before, then the day of. Then 5 days after or as advised by your doctor or pharmacist.
• If you have severe dry, flaky lips gently exfoliate nightly for at least 2 weeks with a gentle lip scrub 1-2 times a week followed by a lip treatment.
• Suggestion: Take arnica pills a week to a few days before to help reduce inflammation, swelling and bruising before session and after.
• The following will make your lips more tender and likely to bleed more so it'll thin your blood, so they need to be avoided till after procedure
- No Alcohol
- No Caffeine
- No Aspirin, ibuprofen
- No Caffeine (coffee and tea)
- No Fish oil
- No Niacin
• Exfoliate and add lip treatment to hydrate lips
• Avoid oils on lips as it will clog pores reducing pigment retention
Post-treatment instructions
• Your eyes may feel like you have been crying for several hours. They will be sensitive. With a clean moist Q-Tip, (not your fingers) apply a thin layer of A&D Ointment to the treatment area a few times a day. Less is better. You may also use an eye rinse or drops the first day. Do not let the color dry out.
• You may experience some swelling the day of your procedure. This is normal and may be treated with an ice pack for 5-10 min. It’s OK to shower as normal - water will not hurt your permanent cosmetics.
• Do not use mascara or any other eye makeup for 3 days. After 3 days, use a new tube of mascara to avoid secondary infection. Use a gentle eye makeup remover.
• As the eyes begin to heal, some flaking will occur. This flaking is normal and to be expected. Do not pick or try to peel this skin off. When the flaking completes, you view the color from under the skin. Most clients will see about 30-50% less color after healing is completed in the first session. All the fine detail work and finishing touches are done in the second session. At that time you may wish to darken or thicken your eyeliner. I always say “the second, or follow up visit, is when the magic happens.”
• Although this is permanent the color will fade over time. Fading is dependent on your skin’s age and its ability to retain color. Darker colors will last longer than lighter ones.
Failure to follow your aftercare can cause weak retention and possible infection. Protect your investment!
• Some swelling and bruising can happen. This is completely normal and will gradually go down within a few hours to about 48 hours.
• You can take Advil/ Ibuprofen to help right after a session along with an ice-pack at home to minimize any swelling that may have occurred.
• First 24 hours blot lips with cotton round & green soap provided. Apply ointment right after every time.
• Avoid hot food for 72 hours, especially hot drinks, soup, anything with steam.
• Avoid brushing teeth for 24 hours and opt for mouth wash ... this will help pigment in the center of the lips to stay.
• Drink through a straw and avoid spicy and salty foods for 7 days.
• Continue taking any antiviral medicine if you are prone to cold sore for at least 5 days or as suggested by your doctor.
• Avoid physical contact on lips for a total of 7 days.
• Keep applying ointment and or vaseline with Q-Tip provided by your artist regularly for 7 days. Don’t use anything else. Apply a thicker layer before bedtime.
• Color is more vibrant immediately after and will soften up to 40%-60% (this will depend on natural pigment of lips, color choice, aftercare)
• Lips will begin to peel, depending on each individual.
• No scrubbing - Do not rub, wipe, or scratch the area. Use a gentle patting motion ONLY when applying ointment.
• Do not peel or pick at the crust, this could cause pigment loss, scarring, and delayed healing.
• Do not apply ANY topical cosmetics over the area while healing.
• Lip color will look like they all disappeared and nothing took. Trust the journey! Our skin puts a layer of skin over as it is healing and begins to reappear.
• Full healing takes approximately 6-8 weeks.
• Touch-up is not mandatory but most clients will want to schedule a touch up in order to give you the perfect lip blush!